
Selecting better policy makers



Project Coordinator

Gianluca Baldassarre



  • Investigating how policy makers are now selected.
  • Finding new ways to select better policy makers.
  • Implementing and testing the found solutions


The selection of policiy makers at all levels is based on mechanisms critically affecting the quality of the selected people. Therefore the mechanisms affect how well our society works and ultimately how effectively problems affecting humany are solved and how effectively humanity flourishing is supported. It is hence paramount that we use the best available science to understand in depth how such selection mechanisms work.

The study of the existing mechanims can then support the search and test of new more effective mechanisms to perform the selection of policy makers. The best science and technology should be used to findout innovative solutions, and ways to implement them.

Ater possible solutions have been found "in the lab", it is necessary to graually test them in the realistic context to see if the pass the test of the real society. To this purpose, they might be first tested in small controllable situations and then be gradually exported in more complex conditions. 

Linking people

Project Coordinator

Davide Montella


  • Understanding how people best match by values, interests, and personality.

  • Supporting the formation genuine bonds between people.

  • Finding new people who might join ST&M4Humanity.


Forming genuine deep personal links is fundamental for the well-being of people. But how do people form deep personal links based on their values, interests, and personality? This is an important problem that can be faced with scientific approaches, in particular from psychology.

Knowledge on how people best match, can then be used to facilitate theri linking. This might be done with suitable solutions realying on the current best ICT technologies.

The main purpose of this project is to facilitate people matching. The knowledge and approaches found in this project can also be used for a second purpose, namely to get in touch with people that might be interested, for their values and interests, to joint ST&M4Humanity.


Address: Rome, Italy

Phone: (+39) 06 44 595 231



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